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Los Angeles

about me

Darkend picture of Sara Zanelletti. A background for text.

I'm a native Italian from a small city outside of Milan. To further my studies, I moved abroad to study foreign languages, primarily English. ​A passion for language was ignited, so I left Europe to apply my education in America.

Along the way, I've also pursued other passions including dance, acting, writing, and many other facets of the entertainment business. ​


Today, I'm a published author, 'Non ho chiesto l'America, and creator of social media show 'Sara Z La La Land Stories', where I interview public figures in English and Italian.


I’m currently living in Los Angeles, California, where I specialize in teaching Italian to professionals in the film and entertainment industry, as well as students from around the world who want to master the art of the Italian language. ​

Photo of Sara Zanelletti.
Picture of Sara Zanelletti's book and e-Book.

Working with Clients From

A Drive-In movie theater sign with palm tress in the background.
Production studio in Hollywood, California

Mynor P.

Empresario - Boston, MA

Estuve en Italia hace dos años y me divertí mucho. Cuando visitas ciudades más pequeñas de Italia, la experiencia es mucho mejor si hablas el idioma. Esto me inspiró a aprender el idioma. Tengo un horario exigente, así que buscaba un profesor con una estructura de lecciones flexible y manejable . Las clases de Sara están bien estructuradas, planificadas cuidadosamente y se adaptan perfectamente al dominio y las necesidades lingüísticas individuales del estudiante. Empecé a querer aprender algunas frases, pero ahora me encanta el idioma italiano.
Sara es una opción VIP para un plan de estudios individualizado.
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